Release notes: Version: Date:1/17/2024 * Updated the level definitions used in the Climate plugin. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:9/28/2023 * Standardized the level definitions used in the Climate plugin. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:7/21/2023 * Added support for property vrYieldWetMassFlow -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:01/31/2023 * Fixed issue where harvest rate was incorrect due to skips in the data. * Fixed issue where files with too few records would throw an error during frequency detection. * Fixed issue where spray blend carrier rate was not being set. * Fixed issue causing incorrect blend component units. * Fixed issue where files would fail if "rowAssignmentsByMixture" was not set. * Fixed issue where rate was not read if only set in "LiquidConfig" * Fixed issue where target rate was incorrect due to differences in recorded data for newer display versions. * Fixed AsApplied issues including UOM corrections, and pulling correct rates from product components. * Fixed an output preference issue that resulted zero rates with all sections status as false. * Fixed issue where a single point was recording a very large distance resulting in an inflated harvested area. * Fixed issue where files not containing SpatialRecords would cause processing to throw an error. * Fixed issue where gaps in data caused streaks in the map output. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:10/25/2021 * V1 planter missing rows -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:11/6/2020 * Representation on the ProductComponents within the MixProduct itself now use vrSolutionRateMass or vrSolutionRateLiquid -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:6/24/2020 * Plugin now correctly created separate models based on serial number -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:5/6/2020 * Demo App shows how to handle tank mixs -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:3/23/2020 * OperationData.ProductId has been changed to a list: OperationData.ProductIds. This contains references to all hybrids planted during a split planting or multi-hybrid planting operation. * The IPlugin interface now contains a list of errors to capture any exceptions encountered during import. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:2/27/2020 * Fixed ProtocolBuffers error when certain files are loaded -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:10/07/2019 * Fixed error in area calculation. * Fixed exeception in import call. * Plugin now provides source of the .dat file via AgGateway.ADAPT.ApplicationDataModel.ADM.ProprietaryValue -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:9/05/2019 * Enabled Planting and Harvest data by default. No special Initialization string required. * Resolved issues where planter hybrid row assignment changes in the middle of a file set. Now creates separate LoggedData when planter setup changes. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:8/30/2019 * Resolved issues with coverage shape generation logic. * Resolved units of measure issues with liquid_map files that only contain dry product components. * Resolved issues reading certain field_map files where some records do not have location data specified. -------------------------------------------------- Version: Date:8/9/2019 * Updated harvest data with new "vrYieldVolume" value to represent dry bushels on each SpatialRecord. * Added coverage polygon for all operation types. This can be located in the data model under Documents/Summaries/OperationSummaries/CoverageShape.