Items listed as metadata in this specification are provided in the geotiff file using the nonstandard tag 42112, which identifies Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) metadata. The data associated with this tag should be formatted in XML, with the root element named GDALMetadata. GDALMetadata can have any number of child elements named Item. Each Item element should be identified by an attribute called name. The item content is the data itself:
Tag 42112: <GDALMetadata>
<Item name="acquisitionEndDate">2016-09-08T15:53:00+05:00</Item>
<Item name="acquisitionStartDate">2016-09-08T15:56:00+05:00</Item>
<Item name="boundaryId">5ccaf27593504784b1a80ea7b20815be</Item>
<Item name="brandId">53f3831b2ca747f6a805c6d0712fcf13</Item>
<Item name="fieldId">a0f9c35f105f4fbca63c51b6df37fc20</Item>
<Item name="isCalibrated">True</Item>
<Item name="sourceId">5916fc4b51aa44e298afca7ff6bef1d4</Item>
<Item name="name">Example</Item>