Invalid Scope
400 Bad Request
"error_description": "Invalid Scope!",
"error": "invalid_scope"
If you’re trying to get a token with multiple scopes, make sure the scopes are space delimited and URL encoded. For example, if you need a token with scope fields:read and fields:write, use fields:read fields:write URL encoded to fields%3Aread%20fields%3Awrite.
Request Body Contains Authorization Information
400 Bad Request
"error_description": "Request body and headers contain authorization information",
"error": "invalid_request"
Don’t include your client_id and client_secret in the body of the request. That information should be part of the Authorization header. Use the following basic format: {base64_encode($clientId:$clientSecret)}
Inactive Authorization Code
400 Bad Request
"error_description": "Inactive authorization code received from token request",
"error": "invalid_grant"
Authorization codes can be used only once. To get a replacement token, get another authorization code or submit a refresh token request.
Grant Is Invalid When Using refresh_token
400 Bad Request
"error_description": "Provided Authorization Grant is invalid",
"error": "invalid_grant"
A refresh token can be used only once, so be sure to use an unused token. Alternatively, you can request an authorization code for a replacement token.
Callback URI Mismatch
400 Bad Request
"error_description": "Callback url mismatch",
"error": "invalid_grant"
The redirect_uri used in the OAuth request is different from the one in the authorization code request.