Prescription Formats

Updated Nov 17, 2017

This document describes the details of how Climate FieldView expects seeding prescriptions to be formatted for ingestion into the FieldView platform. While FieldView may accept variations from this specification, partners should not expect or rely upon support for anything other than what is documented here.


Uploads are required to be in zip format containing one of each of the following: .shp, .shx, .dbf.

Shapefile Uploads


  • Only valid shapefiles supported
  • Shapefile content must meet valid FeatureCollection criteria (e.g., polygons must be intact)
  • Only Polygons and Multipolygons as geometries
  • EPSG-4326 CRS (WGS-84 datum) for the co-ordinates.
  • There may not be more than 100 zones (Polygons or MultiPolygons) within a FeatureCollection.
  • The rate of a zone must be specified as a non-negative real number.

Partners should send one prescription file per field.  Files spanning multiple fields may be rejected during processing.

Field assignment is done using a spatial overlap calculation of the boundaries in the prescription and the active field boundaries of an account.


In addition to the file, metadata will be posted to the api.  The following keys may optionally be passed: brandId, sourceId.  The brandId parameter is an id generated by FieldView and supplied to the partner.  This will allow the FieldView apps to style and brand content from the partner correctly.  The sourceId is an optional parameter which the partner may supply, which represents the unique identifier, of the asset, in the partner’s system.


Metadata tags should be supported in a mechanism similar to the one provided in the POST v4/uploads/ API as documented in the Parameters section in the technical documentation.


Corrections to individual zones are not currently accepted by the FieldView.  Updated prescriptions for an entire field may be sent to FieldView, and it will appear in the Data Inbox where the user will have the option to import the newly supplied data. If the newly supplied data has the exact same zone boundaries as previously supplied prescription then the new data will overwrite the previous data (all zone rates).